They are the masterminds of the ring and architects of success. Whether they are great wrestlers themselves, celebrities, or simply eye candy, managers are crucial to boosting the career of some superstars.
Over the years, managers have been utilized as coaches, valets, mouthpieces and much more. They also could add something to the storylines and rivalries, and sometimes they could create their own feuds out of nowhere.
They were mainly used as tools to get wrestlers over with the crowd, if the superstars had limited mic skills. They acted as a mouthpiece in their interviews and helped them find their voice.
In this article, we are going to look at 5 amazing managers in WWE that catapulted wrestlers to super stardom .
John Cena's father just broke his silence on his heel turn! More details RIGHT HERE
#5 Paul Heyman

As manager, promoter, commentator and on air official, the man is absolutely without peer. Heyman is simply one of the best. He has managed to maintain a career in professional wrestling for over 30 years.
He has been an essential part in the careers of more champions than any manager in wrestling history, including 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin, CM Punk, Rob Van Dam, The Big Show, Rick Rude, and WWE’s current reigning, defending, undisputed Universal Champion—Brock Lesnar.
Whether he was CEO for the Dangerous Alliance as Paul E Dangerously in WCW, an evil genius and amazing booker in ECW, or an amazing advocate in WWE, he always reinvented himself and put over many wrestlers over the years.
Regarded as the greatest manager in modern era, he delivers amazing promos and does an excellent job as Brock Lesnar's hypeman. When he talks, people listen to him and are amazed at how great he is on mic.
Heyman is a great villain, a great mind, and a great promo. A total package
#4 Paul Bearer

Whether as the creepy Paul Bearer or the guy you loved to hate Percy Pringle, William Moody was a great manager! If it wasn't for him, major superstars like The Undertaker, Mankind and Kane wouldn't find as much success as they have now in the wrestling industry.
He could be weird and strange, he could cut a good promo, he could advance a story, he could enhance a match. Him and the Undertaker were one of the best pairings in wrestling. They just fit together wonderfully and this pairing had a big part in making the Phenom what he is today
His trademarks were certainly his voice and his facial expressions, and this also played an important role with Undertaker and Kane, giving both of them a certain depth.
Without a doubt, if not the most influential and greatest manager of all time, Paul Bearer was a truly a one of a kind manager. OH YES Indeed!
#3 Jim Cornette

If you're being managed by this man, get ready to go all the way to the top. If you can't talk, even better. Just shut up and let Corny have the microphone, and you'll get an entertaining promo that will elevate you to instant main event status.
He was without a doubt one of the masters of getting heel heat not just on the guys he managed, but especially on himself! His look and how he came off as an annoying bad guy manager on TV just made every fan in the crowd want to slap the guy, which was always just pure gold! He used his million dollar mic skills to excite (or incite) the crowd in all the right ways.
Overall, a great manager, an amazing promo, and an outstanding promoter who stands by and defends his principles, he is now known for his terrific analysis of the business. He was everywhere and knows everybody. He could and can always make everyone look good, the Midnight Express would be inconceivable without Cornette.
You won't find one better than James E. Cornette!
#2 Jimmy Hart

Toting a megaphone and some of the most awesome jackets in sports entertainment, Jimmy Hart changed WWE forever the minute he debuted by becoming the first manager in the company to stick around at ringside during all of his client’s matches.
Previously, managers would generally introduce their clients and then head backstage during the actual match, but Hart insisted his job supporting his clients wasn’t finished until the match was over, and virtually every manager to follow him has agreed with this philosophy.
He has managed an amazing crop of professional wrestlers, including Hulk Hogan, The Hart Foundation, Greg "The Hammer" Valentine, Andy Kaufman, Jerry "The King" Lawler, "The Million Dollar Man" Ted DiBiase, King Kong Bundy, Earthquake, Dino Bravo, the Nasty Boys, The Giant, and The Honky Tonk Man. He has managed them all.
Jimmy Hart was an amazing manager. He was great at being annoying, and the megaphone was perfect for him. It was very symbolic of his prominence on the mic, and he quickly built up a reputation as an arrogant loudmouth. He was masterful at building heel heat and made people pay their money to see him get beat up.
That's a true heel manager right there.
#1 Bobby Heenan

Hilariously funny, outrageously biased, financially corrupt and the best manager of all time. Bobby "The Brain" Heenan was simply fantastic, a loud mouth villain who would take tremendous beatings from babyfaces who morphed into a fantastic manager and commentator.
He was a rare blend of insight and humour who could generate a lot of heat. He clearly was a mainstay, prime time villain during Hulkamania. Hulkamania managed to overshadow everything, but 'The Brain' carved out a corner and was a huge success.
On the mic, he could make you laugh or mad, while putting over his charges perfectly. He was also a fantastic color commentator with so many great one-liners over the years; he and Gorilla Monsoon being my all-time favorite broadcast team.
Anyone that claims that Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler were the greatest announcer duo in history clearly has not listened to the chemistry of Heenan and Monsoon.
Bobby Heenan was a character the fans loved to hate and the heels would feel that heat by aligning themselves with him. There is only one Bobby 'The Brain' Heenan and will never be another one like him.
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