#4 Paul Bearer

Whether as the creepy Paul Bearer or the guy you loved to hate Percy Pringle, William Moody was a great manager! If it wasn't for him, major superstars like The Undertaker, Mankind and Kane wouldn't find as much success as they have now in the wrestling industry.
He could be weird and strange, he could cut a good promo, he could advance a story, he could enhance a match. Him and the Undertaker were one of the best pairings in wrestling. They just fit together wonderfully and this pairing had a big part in making the Phenom what he is today
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His trademarks were certainly his voice and his facial expressions, and this also played an important role with Undertaker and Kane, giving both of them a certain depth.
Without a doubt, if not the most influential and greatest manager of all time, Paul Bearer was a truly a one of a kind manager. OH YES Indeed!