#4 The Rock vs. Triple H (Backlash 2000)

A highly-important match from a historical perspective, saw The Rock challenge Triple H for the WWF Championship, with Shane McMahon serving as the “Special Guest Referee”.
The match has time and again been praised by fans and critics for its brilliant storytelling as well as the sheer emotion of the feud taken to another crescendo by The Rock and Triple H. Vince McMahon played a significant role in the match, as he attacked The Rock on multiple occasions as things got underway—initially tagging Rocky with the WWF title belt.
Meanwhile, fed up with Shane McMahon’s biased officiating, The Rock hit Rock Bottoms on both Shane and Triple H through an announce table. Triple H then came back strong, and hit a beautiful Pedigree on Rocky, following which Pat Patterson and Gerald Brisco came down to the ring so as to officiate the match.
Vince then attacked The Rock with a steel chair and called for the officials to make a quick count, however, “Stone Cold” Steve Austin marched out to the ring and attacked Triple H, Shane, Vince, Patterson and Brisco with a steel chair. Following this, Linda McMahon appeared with referee Earl Hebner in tow, as The Rock hit a People’s Elbow on Triple H to win the WWF Championship.
Austin then drove out his truck with a burnt-out “DX Express” in tow, and proceeded to engage in a beer celebration with Rocky as the fans went wild at the MCI Center in Washington, DC.