#4 The five second pose
Edge and Christian were not only fantastic wrestlers but also fabulous entertainers. Their impressive acts began after WrestleMania 2000 when they started interacting with the live WWE crowd. They came up with the 'Five Second Pose,' where Edge and Christian would pose for five seconds, thus allowing everyone present in the arena to take their photos. Edge and Christian would often mock the sports teams and the culture. They found a bizarre way to rile up the crowd, but it worked in their favor mainly due to their creativity and spontaneity.
Charlotte Flair to return and wrestle a CURRENT CHAMPION?
#3 Edge and Christian vs. The Hardy Boyz (No Mercy 2009)
Edge and Christian were feuding with the Hardy Boyz in a best of five-match series, in the Terry Invitational Tournament. The winners would acquire the managerial services of Terri Runnels, along with a cash prize of $ 100,000. The five-match series was tied at 2-2, and the final match was a ladder match, along with a bag of $100,000 suspended above the ring. It was a mind-blowing match that shaped the career of the four wrestlers. Even though Edge and Christian lost the contest, they earned the respect of the entire locker room and the WWE Universe.