The Fiend is, without a doubt, the single most exciting character in WWE today. Bray Wyatt has always been a fascinating character, even as The Eater Of Worlds. However, WWE constantly having him losing big matches removed the aura that he had and turned him into just another rambling figure who seemingly cut the same promo over and over.
The reality is that The Eater Of Worlds was a fantastic character with a lot of depth. He just wasn't utilized to his fullest potential and the year-long in-ring break he had from 2018 to 2019 ended up working wonders for him.
In that time, he went into a shell of sorts and developed this Fiend character - one that WWE is seemingly 100% behind. The fact that he is already challenging for the Universal Championship against Seth Rollins at Hell in a Cell speaks volumes as to what WWE thinks about him.
And while they are behind him now and the prospect of The Fiend is certainly interesting, there are a few harsh realities about the entire situation that people are seemingly avoiding. These are the ones that nobody wants to talk about.
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#5 WWE might overexpose him

One of the best parts about The Fiend Bray Wyatt is that WWE has made sure to have him appear only sporadically. Over the last few months, he has only wrestled once and doesn't necessarily appear every week.
This is a surefire way to maintain and build that aura around him, making it very special when he does appear. That's why the excitement is palpable in the crowd whenever The Fiend makes an appearance to attack someone.
Given that it's WWE, there's still a high chance that they might overexpose him once the ball is rolling.
#4 PG restrictions could affect his character

The Fiend Bray Wyatt is the darkest character in WWE today and it's not even close. While he hasn't really done anything that warrants a "Non-PG rating", it's possible that WWE may make him tone the character down due to the PG restrictions.
The PG rating is very important to WWE and one that has resulted in them making more money than they did before. Since many children are viewing The Fiend on nearly a weekly basis, there may be some sort of fear that The Fiend will negatively influence the younger demographic watching.
As a result of that, they may keep some PG restrictions and tone down his character considerably - one that would surely put a screeching halt to any momentum that he has.
While we'd like to say with full confidence that it won't happen (and in all likeliness, it may not), there are so many different factors that come into play in situations like these - many that we're not aware of at all.
#3 He will never be the next Undertaker

One of the biggest detriments to Bray Wyatt has been the fact that from the start, people have compared his character to The Undertaker. Even technically speaking, that isn't true at all. The Eater Of Worlds was a cult leader, while The Undertaker was more of a supernatural, mythical sort of figure.
The Undertaker's character is also more supernatural-based while Bray Wyatt's is purely on psychology and terrorizing people. In many ways, the depth of Wyatt's character is much more and that's exactly what WWE should be focusing on.
Even when The Fiend had his fantastic SummerSlam 2019 appearance, Corey Graves was very quick to compare his entrance to The Undertaker and that needs to stop. No matter what he does or how he does it, there will never be another Undertaker and that's perfectly alright.
The Fiend Bray Wyatt can shine on his own as an individual character without constantly having The Undertaker's cloud hovering over him. This is a problem that's hardly addressed and the Undertaker comparisons will only further be detrimental to him.
#2 If he wrestles a long match, fans may turn on him

As you know, Bray Wyatt isn't exactly the best in-ring worker. That's perfectly ok because he has in abundance what matters the most - a strong character. You don't need to be a great wrestler to get over in WWE and Wyatt has something about him that simply stands out.
When he's in the ring, fans go absolutely wild and that was seen in the brief 3-minute squash of Finn Balor at SummerSlam 2019. It made storyline sense for him to squash Balor with his new character and it probably would with a few more matches as well.
However, the time will eventually come where he has to wrestle a much longer match and this may turn out to be problematic. Because the expectations have been so high for him, people may forget that he's not the finest in-ring worker in the company. The squash matches work well because they're part of the story and they get the desired reaction, but that won't always be able to happen.
Fans can often be fickle and they may turn on Wyatt the moment they're not happy with a match of his.
#1 WWE could get impatient with his winning streak

Since Bray Wyatt isn't going to be wrestling all that often, it makes him an instant special attraction. In all likeliness, he's going to get a winning streak of his own or at least an undefeated streak of some sort.
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However, here is the biggest problem that The Fiend might face during his upcoming run in WWE. Sure, he'll have a few really good, high-profile victories, but what happens when WWE runs out of patience?
We certainly can't say it isn't true because, over the years, WWE has prematurely ended a lot of different storylines and pushes simply due to a lack of patience. And with a character like The Fiend Bray Wyatt, the overall establishment isn't going to be something that will happen overnight.
It's a long-term project that should ideally be built over the next year or two before they even think of not protecting him anymore. There's an enormous amount of potential readily available if WWE decides to stick to their guns and be patient with him.
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