#3 He will never be the next Undertaker

One of the biggest detriments to Bray Wyatt has been the fact that from the start, people have compared his character to The Undertaker. Even technically speaking, that isn't true at all. The Eater Of Worlds was a cult leader, while The Undertaker was more of a supernatural, mythical sort of figure.
The Undertaker's character is also more supernatural-based while Bray Wyatt's is purely on psychology and terrorizing people. In many ways, the depth of Wyatt's character is much more and that's exactly what WWE should be focusing on.
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Even when The Fiend had his fantastic SummerSlam 2019 appearance, Corey Graves was very quick to compare his entrance to The Undertaker and that needs to stop. No matter what he does or how he does it, there will never be another Undertaker and that's perfectly alright.
The Fiend Bray Wyatt can shine on his own as an individual character without constantly having The Undertaker's cloud hovering over him. This is a problem that's hardly addressed and the Undertaker comparisons will only further be detrimental to him.