#3 Andre the Giant flips over a car
Yet another Superstar who has been a part of wrestling folklore for his ability to effortlessly chug down gallons of alcohol is Andre the Giant. The WWE Hall of Famer, reportedly, once drank 156 beers in one sitting, which is equivalent to 14.6 gallons! Another story goes that Andre once drank 16 bottles of wine in four hours before wrestling three matches!
A WWE Hall of Famer isn't a John Cena fan. More details HERE
So it is safe to say that Andre could hold his liquor better than most men. However, you should be twice as careful when you get on Andre’s bad side when he’s imbibing. Arnold Skaaland and Jacques Rougeau recollected an instance when four individuals started harassing Andre in a bar, and when the big man finally had enough, the four unruly patrons ran out and locked themselves in a car.
Andre, however, wasn’t in a forgiving mood and flipped the car over, with the four individuals still trapped inside!