Owen Hart is one of wrestling's most beloved figures. An excellent worker in the ring, Hart always gave his all, no matter his opponent. Throughout his career, Owen would often be at odds with his older brother Bret (beating the Hitman in the opening of WrestleMania X), but would sometimes work alongside the former WWE Champion, as part of the Hart Foundation.
Though the first thing that comes to many fan's minds when they think of Owen is his tragic death at Over the Edge 1999, one thing some fans won't know is that the Rocket was a natural ribber. Pulling pranks on anyone and everyone, Owen's ribs are almost as famous as his matches, though there are some pranks by the legendary Canadian that stand out.
Here are five hilarious pranks in WWE performed by the Rocket Owen Hart.
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#5: The Foreign Napkin incident

With decades of wrestling under his belt near the end of his career, Owen would often be used to help younger stars, and at a live event in 1998, was scheduled to face the rookie Edge. Being the heel, Owen quickly resulted in using a foreign object concealed in his trunks, one that the future Rated-R Superstar sold well, believing it to be brass knuckles.
According to referee Jimmy Korderas, who wrote about the incident in his book, Owen would routinely attack Edge with the foreign object, much to the confusion of the crowd. The truth was that though Edge believed Owen was using brass knuckles, he had instead been hitting the young rookie with a napkin, and the usually stoic Korderas couldn't help but crack up at the absurdity.
#4: Harley's Chili

Harley Race is a true legend of wrestling, so when the first-ever WWE United States Champion invites you over, you should probably go. This was the case as whenever the WWF came through Kansas City, Harley would throw a barbeque for the guys, complete with his famous Chili.
One night, Owen decided to have some fun, spiking the chilli with far too much hot sauce, essentially pranking the entire roster. Though we're sure Owen found this hilarious, his plan had a fatal flaw, as after not consuming the Chilli, Owen was the only one who didn't get sick, making it obvious he was responsible.
It would be Race though who would get the last laugh, as he congratulated Owen on a job well done the next night, shook his hand, before flooring the Rocket with a taser.
#3: Gangrel and the ghost watch

If there was one word to describe Owen's pranks, it was commitment, and never was that truer than the story of Gangrel and the ghost watch. While the Vampiric Superstar was having a match, Owen spotted Gangrel's watch in his bag backstage and decided to take it. Whilst any other prankster would have kept it until the end of the show then return it, Owen was far from normal.
Instead, Owen kept hold of the watch the entire night as Gangrel searched for it furiously (with Owen's 'help'), and still didn't give it back. Months would pass before the WWF would return to the same arena, and during his victim's match months later, Owen simply replaced the watch in the bag. Confusing Gangrel who couldn't believe the watch was back, this prank proved that Owen was in a class of his own.
#2: Owen pranks the Boss

Though he spent much of his career as a cowardly heel, when it came to pranking, Owen wasn't afraid of anyone, not even his own boss, Vince McMahon. After the boss booked a Hogpen match between Henry Godwinn and a young Triple H in 1995, Owen vowed to make the boss pay, though we're not quite sure what it had to do with him.
The day of the match, a large truck containing various barn animals arrived, and when the driver asked where the animals needed to go, Owen 'kindly' offered to show him the way. Instead of taking them, Owen directed the driver and his animals to Vince's office, whereas you can imagine, all hell broke loose. Leaving the boss' office a manure ridden tip, it's amazing that the Canadian wasn't punished for this.
#1: Prank calling his own dad

Most of us have a line when we come to pranks. Though we may joke with friends, family is usually off-limits, especially when your dad is the legendary Stu Hart. That didn't stop Owen though, as the Rocket was surprisingly good at impressions, and could imitate Reggie Parks, wrestling belt designer and friend of Stu to a tee.
According to Bret, one night Owen took things to the extreme, mimicking Parks on the phone and calling his dad up. Lambasting his father with insult after insult, Stu could only sit back in horror as his long-time 'friend' revealed that he hated him all along. After demanding to fight Parks, Stu slammed the phone down and sat there for a moment, before turning to Bret, and muttering those infamous words, "that little b*****d got me."