#2: Don't hinder Jinder

When Jinder Mahal was released from WWE in 2014, very few people cared.
The alleged 'funny one' of 3MB, Jinder would be gone for two years, before returning and finding a place on SmackDown Live. In 2017, Mahal would become the number one contender for the WWE Championship, which had just been won by Randy Orton at WrestleMania 33.
A legend of the game, practically everybody expected the Viper to retain the title against the Modern-Day Maharaja, in what fans were sure would be another lengthy reign. Instead, Mahal dethroned the Apex Predator, ending his reign at 49 days.
A huge shock to the entire WWE Universe, Mahal would hold onto the title for months, defeating Orton repeatedly, before his reign was ended at 170 days, thanks to a Phenomenal Forearm from AJ Styles.