#3. The Deadman defies destruction inside Hell in a Cell: Wrestlemania 28
This Hell in a Cell match was probably the first real time any member of the WWE Universe thought The Undertaker was going to lose his undefeated streak. In a match of Triple H's choosing, with his best friend as the special guest referee, how could The Game lose?
It was one of the best Hell in a Cell matches that WWE ever produced. Dubbed "The End of an Era," it featured three WWE legends from a bygone era in the company. This was booked as the last ride, no pun intended, for all three men. Triple H and The Undertaker always had great chemistry, and were in the final stages of their last feud after The Deadman retired Shawn Michaels a few years prior.
There was one point, specifically, that had WWE fans on the edge of their seats holding their breath. Shawn Michaels did what we all knew he would, helped out his best buddy and stunned Taker with the Sweet Chin Music. Triple H followed with the Pedigree, and what followed after was one of the closest two-count that fans had seen in years.
Everyone knew that was it. When The Undertaker's shoulder went up, it left them on their feet, while Shawn Michaels shrank into the corner, torturing himself over what he'd nearly done.
Not only was this one of the greatest Hell in a Cell moments of all time. This was one of the greatest WrestleMania matches and moments of all time.