#1 There were two Royal Rumbles in 1994

We all know that the Royal Rumble is an annual event, but there was one instance when there were two royal rumble matches in a year. That's right, two royal rumble matches took place in 1994.
The 1994 Royal Rumble was held in the 23rd January at the Providence Civic Center at Providence, Rhode Island. The event saw Bret Hart and Lex Luger announced as the winners of the 30 men battle royal, being the only rumble match to have two winners.
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However, an unofficial Royal Rumble match took place on January 17th 1994 as a special Madison Square Garden Show. The match had the same star power as the official rumble which included Shawn Michaels, Diesel and Razor Ramon. Owen Hart went on to eliminate Headshrinker Fatu to win the match.
The match was not recorded and is not in the history books of the WWE, but the match actually happened, and thus technically make Owen Hart a Royal Rumble Winner.