#2 The Undertaker tells Vince McMahon he's a shower singer

The Undertaker worked for WCW for barely a year before cutting ties with the company due to creative reasons. Following his exit, WWE higher-ups reached out to The Undertaker and scheduled a meeting between him and Vince McMahon at his mansion in Greenwich, Connecticut.
While Undertaker thought he had the potential to make it to WWE as a big Superstar, it turns out that Vince McMahon didn't think so, which is why he rejected him.
Speaking on The Broken Skull Sessions with Stone Cold Steve Austin, Undertaker revealed, his meeting with Mr. McMahon started well, and the boss originally liked him. However, things went sour when Vince McMahon asked him if he had any hidden talent, and The Deadman told him he's a shower singer.
While Undertaker regretted his words soon, it was too late. Vince McMahon lost his interest in signing him and said there currently isn't a place for him in WWE.
The Undertaker walked out of Vince McMahon's residence disappointed and assumed his wrestling career is doomed. But, in a couple of months, Mr. McMahon would offer him a contract and The Undertaker would go on to make his WWE debut at Survivor Series 1990.