#3 C.M. Punk's Pipebomb

CM Punk was about to leave the WWE in mid-2011. The company immediately put him into a big-time program with the current champion, John Cena. The build-up kicked off when Punk cost Cena a tables match against R Truth on Raw.
Punk proceeded to sit on the ramp and completely changing the landscape of the WWE for years to come. The promos ushered the company into a new era, now famously dubbed as "The Reality Era".
Punk went on a tirade, calling The Rock by his real name, Dwyane. He added that Hogan and The Rock are the biggest Yes Men on WWE history. He promised to leave the WWE with the title and defend it in various promotions all across the world.
Punk was about to go too far and spill some dirty secrets when the mic was cut off and a frustrated Punk screamed at the sea of fans, who had just witnessed a promo that would change WWE forever.