#3. The gap between two Survivor Series matches
In 1990 iteration of Survivor Series, Dusty Rhodes laced his boot for "The Dream Team", which was comprised of himself, Bret Hart, Jim Neidhart, and Koko Ware to take on the team of the Million dollar man Ted Debiase, The Undertaker, The Honky Tong man, and Greg Valentine. Amazingly, it would take the American Dream sixteen more years to have a match at the Survivor Series.
At the 2006 Survivor Series, old school wrestlers including Dusty Rhodes, Ric Flair, Ron Simmons, and Sergeant Slaughter teamed up one last time to take on the young and upcoming spirit squad. Rhodes managed to pin Dolph Ziggler (then known as Nicky) and his team won the match.
Dusty Rhodes holds the record for having the biggest gap between two survivor series appearances with 16 years seperating his matches. Sergeant Slaughter trails the American dream by one year. Coincidentally, Slaughter also made his return at the 2006 edition of Survivor Series.