5: Dakota Kai

The Kiwi ass-kicker certainly raised eyebrows, not to mention the ones she grazed off of her opponents with her running turnbuckle big boot. Don't be in question about her fun and kind nature as she makes her entrance to the ring. As soon as that bell rings, Kai knows how to take down her opponents, including those much bigger than her. She has a similarity in gimmick to Bailey, but one that would not be a miss in the main roster, perhaps an interesting woman's tag team?
Dakota has been signed with the WWE since December last year. It seems that WWE are putting feelers out to the public for potential gimmicks trialed by many competitors signed with the wrestling company. Abbey Laith is another good example. But as it is for Abbey, it is the same for Kai, a great gimmick and personality that suits their out of ring nature. Apart from Kairi Sane, I see Dakota Kai as one of the next Mae Young classic competitors, to set foot in the "big league".
Brand (prediction): Raw
Main roster timescale (prediction): September 2018
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