#4 Shane McMahon and the referee botch

The Roman Reigns-Drew McIntyre match was very odd in the sense that McIntyre was just a side character despite being in the match. It was clear based on the build, the promo and the match itself that the "bigger" feud is between Roman Reigns and Shane McMahon.
And while the match made it quite clear that the Reigns-McMahon rivalry will continue later on (including a handicap match on RAW), what was interestingly missed was the referee botch with Shane McMahon.
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The referee was about to hit a 3-count and Shane McMahon was supposed to pull his legs from outside the ring, a spot that we've seen a countless number of times. However, McMahon botched the pull and the referee's legs got tangled up. Not only did McMahon fall but the referee seemingly took a bad bump on the knee as well. That certainly must not have been fun.