5 major WWE stunts performed recently & how they were done 

How do you think these stunts were planned?
How do you think these stunts were planned?

Professional wrestling is one of the most controversial forms of entertainment out there. There are some that feel these talented men and women putting their bodies through hell every time they step in the ring is not worth the pain. While others respect what the business is all about because it's not all car crash action, as there is emotion, effort and energy poured into every narrative.


When discussing the variety of things one can witness in wrestling, the first thing that comes to mind is all the crazy stunts have promotions have done over the last few years. While it would be entirely easy to just go over some of the biggest stunts WWE had produced, this list would be filled with stuff from the Attitude Era for sure. But for now, let's look at what stunts WWE has presented recently, and how they were done.


#1 Big Show little ring

A classic moment.
A classic moment.

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One of the most memorable things about Brock Lesnar's feud with The Big Show back in 2003 was the moment when Lesnar superplexed Big Show from the top turnbuckle. It was a moment that had fans in the arena on their feet in awe, and you could be sure that was not the last time we would see WWE pull this trick.


The ring breaking tactic was used once again in numerous Big Show feuds, and most recently we saw Show being superplexed through the ring by Braun Strowman. We all know that Big Show and his opponent's weight is probably what breaks the ring when they hit the mat, but what is the logistics behind this stunt?

Well, on the 2015 edition of Talk Is Jericho, Big Show admitted that the ring breaking superplex stunt was all staged, as the WWE Stunt Coordinator is responsible for crafting the plan to perfection. Big Show would go on to say that under the ring at the time, there are airbags which were lifted by a couple of inches.


So, now when Show and his opponent is on the top turnbuckle, the ring is like standing "marbles" because it's moving due to the weight of the big men; it's not a stable surface at all to stand on. The rest is history from that point onwards, as Show is superplexed to the mat and the magic of watching the ring being destroyed sends the crowd into a frenzy.


#2 Leap of faith

A man that willing to put his life on the line for entertainment.
A man that willing to put his life on the line for entertainment.

Shane McMahon is one of the most fearless performers in wrestling today. While McMahon gets some stick for being a non-wrestler that has taken up more screen time that he should be afforded, you can't deny he has done some truly spectacular things with that time. From huge elbow drops from the top turnbuckle to going 'coast to coast' on multiple occasions, Shane has earned his place in wrestling history as an individual that put his life on the line even though he did not have to.


However, one of the craziest Shane McMahon stunts from the last few years has got to be his insane dives from the top of the Hell in a Cell structure. This was a stunt Shane pulled twice in the last three years, as the first time we witnessed him try and break the announcer's table in half was at WrestleMania 32 versus The Undertaker, and the second was at Hell in a Cell 2017 against Kevin Owens.


The secret behind Shane actually surviving the fall from about 30 feet was all in that little table he was crashing in to. If you go back and watch the exact moment McMahon's body hits the table, you will see an airbag deflate as soon as it is impacted. This takes nothing away from Shane, as putting your life on the line by jumping off a thirty-foot structure while relying on a flimsy table with a tiny airbag to break your fall is just insane.



#3 Flipping out

What a moment.
What a moment.

Braun Strowman vs Roman Reigns was one of the best feuds WWE has produced over the last few years, as everything from the drama surrounding these men to the intensity of their collisions was something to behold. While these two men have cooled down since their meteoric clashes, one can't forget the amount of attention they attracted with all the stunts that made their programme awesome.


The most famous of all the stunts in this narrative was Strowman destroying Reigns in a backstage assault that left fans in absolute awe. Throwing Reigns through tables, chucking him while strapped on a stretcher down a ramp, and beating the living daylights out of the man along the way was just insane.

But the granddaddy of all these stunts on that night happened when Strowman flipped the ambulance which was going to transport Reigns to the hospital. And no one really knew how WWE actually pulled this off on live TV at the time. Well, since then eagle-eyed viewers and word around backstage on how this was pulled off made its way to the internet for all to debate.


Firstly, it's worth noting that unlike the Big Show breaking the ring incident that many believed were real until Show himself stated otherwise, this was quite clearly a work from the beginning, as it's impossible for a human to flip a vehicle such as an ambulance. The truth behind the stunt was that the ambulance was hooked up to some hydraulics system that helped maintain the illusion that Strowman is lifting the vehicle himself.


If you rewatch that segment you would notice that the camera never shows anything on the left side of the ambulance, as that is where the hydraulics are doing the job. Also, you would notice that when Strowman leaves the inside of the ambulance, the doors are open, but when you stop at the 4:13 minute mark on the video below, you can see a shadow get out through the closed doors, which is Roman Reigns getting out before the vehicle could be tossed.


Another thing to note is that the loud noise in the scene is meant to be the sound of the engine of the vehicle, but in fact, it's the hydraulics working to lift it. While Strowman may not be a human capable of lifting vehicles and tossing them like they weigh as much as cotton candy, it's still impressive that the creative team was able to come up with something so memorable.



#4 To the window to the wall

McMahon knows all about getting thrown through glass.
McMahon knows all about getting thrown through glass.

Shane McMahon having another spot of this list is not a surprise by any means, as the man has done much more crazy stuff in his career than we might ever see in wrestling again. Being thrown off structures, getting suplexed through the glass, and most leaping of steel cages, McMahon has nerves of steel to do some of the stuff he has done.


But with this stunt, McMahon's bump is on a smaller scale, as it involves him being thrown headfirst through a car window by AJ Styles. Many of you might not remember this segment from 2017 edition of SmackDown Live, where Styles and McMahon were embroiled in a heated feud that saw Styles frustrations with Shane end in a backstage assault.

Now you all know that the glass of a car window takes quite a bit of force to crack let alone break into pieces, so, when Styles sent McMahon through the window it was only possible due to the window actually being a pane of glass. You see according to safety regulations for motor vehicles, there is no way that the car Shane McMahon crashed into would be considered roadworthy, as the 'window' he had his head smashed through is too flimsy to be fitted in a car.


If you spot the exact moment Shane's head went through the glass, a piece of tape that was presumably used to stick the pane of glass to the car stuck on to his jacket. While this may not have been the real deal in terms of backstage assaults, it's nice to see WWE protecting their superstars by going to these measures, especially when you consider Shane's King of the Ring 2001 spot, where the glass was very much real.



#5 Crashing the show

A daring stunt.
A daring stunt.

WWE has come up with some truly crazy pay-per-view concepts over the years, but one of the weirdest pay-per-views in recent memory has to be Great Balls of Fire. You know the name of an event is silly when the wrestlers themselves can't help but giggle every time they said it live on TV. However, no one expected this show to be as 'great' as it was.


From Samoa Joe taking Brock Lesnar to the limit to The Bar destroying The Hardy Boys, this was a good event that exceeded expectations, but when you recall the most memorable thing from this show was Braun Strowman vs Roman Reigns. We analysed one of the most memorable stunts from this programme earlier, and this list would not be complete without talking about Reigns trying to send Braun to the hospital on a stretcher.


After losing to Strowman in their ambulance match, Reigns snapped in a fit of rage, as he was not going to let all the pain Strowman put him through just slide. So Reigns speared the living daylights out of Strowman, threw him inside the ambulance and proceeded to crash the vehicle at full speed with Strowman in the back.

After the firefighters managed to get the door of the ambulance open and free Braun, we saw a bloodied Strowman hobble away in pursuit of Reigns. Now, obviously, WWE took safety measures in order to pull this stunt off in a protected manner, as many believe that Strowman was strapped in while Reigns reversed at full speed into the semi.


There are other conspiracy theories out there that this post-match incident was recorded beforehand, and edited into the show's timeline, as all the different camera angles WWE used when filming the crash looked pre-planned to a certain extent. However, for the sake of knowing how Strowman survived the crash, he was obviously strapped in and waiting to hobble out the crash site as planned.


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Edited by Amar Anand
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