5 Matches that are doomed to be huge disappointments at WrestleMania 34

Wrestlemania 34,

While it's impossible to expect absolute perfection when it comes to WWE crafting storylines, WrestleMania is usually the one time in the year that fans have high hopes for how things will play out and usually WWE delivers very well on them.

Unfortunately for WWE, this year they are struggling to do this and a lot of it has to do with their buildup.

Of course, there are other problems such as Roman Reigns main eventing WrestleMania once again, another Undertaker match that will be three stars at best, and an underwhelming undercard. But even the top tier storylines reek of monotony.

With that being said, here are the top five matches that are doomed to fail at WrestleMania 34.

#5 The Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal

WWE used to actually try to build up this match as more than an excuse for a bathroom break at The Show Of Shows, but not treat it like the uninteresting spectacle it is. Of course, if WWE made some iterations to the match, like a guaranteed title shot for the winner, it might be passable, but instead, they just get a trophy that it rather meaningless.

Unfortunately for WWE fans, things have now only gotten worse as most teams announce their entry by way of video message and very little time is actually given to developing some kind of storyline for the match.

It's pretty much just a straightforward scenario of win the match and win the trophy, but there's really nothing for fans to invest it.

In the end, it's a match that achieves nothing and is for storyline development, at best. Of course, no one that has won the match has done very well after doing so, which just makes the match just more unwatchable than it already was. It also gives the winner little chance of anything meaningful happening afterward.

#4 Shane McMahon and Daniel Bryan vs. Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn

Kevin Owens, Shane McMahon, Daniel Bryan, Sami Zayn,
Which team will come out on top at WrestleMania 34?

Maybe it's just due to the fact that Shane McMahon has been out with an injury for the last two weeks after being written off television, but WWE really can't seem to get past the starting blocks with this one. Sure, WWE had a few memorable moments with Daniel Bryan getting attacked and later announcing the match, but the story is too dependent on Bryan.

With that being said, and many of the big players in the match currently off television due to being fired or in the hospital, WWE is building this feud around Bryan alone and that's not going to work. The company would have been much better off to have Owens and Zayn continue to ambush Bryan, but they just choose to keep them off television.

WWE could even try to stage a scene like they did between Vince McMahon and Stone Cold Steve Austin, but just seem content on the same copy and paste effort that they are going with. In the end, not only does this put realistic expectations on the match, especially since fans will want Bryan to win, it also really does what should be an exciting storyline.

The match itself will be interesting to watch, but will only be viewed favorably if Daniel Bryan and Shane McMahon come away with the victory. The problem with this scenario, however, is that it completely buries Zayn and Owens as heels and basically undoes the badass storyline they have built up over the past couple of months.

Yes, there are rumors that Owens and Zayn will be moved to Monday Night Raw after WrestleMania 34, but even that seems like a demotion with Reigns as Universal Champion, Brock Lesnar still with the company, and the addition of Ronda Rousey on the women's side of things.

In the end, it looks like Zayn and Owens will lose the match at WrestleMania and be relegated to nothing more than an afterthought once they get moved to Monday Night Raw. Maybe WWE will try to make it meaningful with a tag team title run, but even that seems like a long shot with the current Strowman storyline playing out.

#3 United States Championship between Randy Orton, Jinder Mahal, Bobby Roode and Russ

Bobby Rhoode, Randy Orton, Jinder Mahal, Rusev,
Can Randy Orton retain his United States Title at WrestleMania 34

The addition of Rusev to the match was a good idea to give it a little bit of an excitement factor, but there's not much to like about it outside of that. In fact, WWE can't seem to convince fans on Bobby Roode as a conquering babyface and now have to scramble in order to find someone else to fill that role.

With that being said, the whole feud feels like a shoehorned last minute mess, especially after Bobby Roode lost the United States Title to Orton at Fastlane, and the sub-par segments that all four superstars are involved in is proof of that.

Not only is WWE having trouble getting any kind of reaction at all to anyone that's not Randy Orton, they are now relying on Rusev day to possibly salvage the match when all is said and done. It does nothing for Roode, it does nothing for Mahal, and it just puts Rusev right back into the role he was at two years ago, but this time as a face.

Nothing is accomplished and that's the worst part of it all!

#2 Charlotte vs. Asuka for the Smackdown Live Women's title

Asuka, Charlotte,
Can The Empress of Tomorrow Dethrone The Queen At WrestleMania 34?

Whether The WWE Universe wants to admit it or not, Asuka's lack of promo skills and Charlotte's sub-par performance as a babyface is killing what should be one of the greatest matchups in WWE history. Everything to make it perfect is there, but due to the circumstances the company is in storyline wise, it just doesn't work.

Of course, a lot of that has to do with Asuka's confusing promos in the ring, but having Charlotte working as a face right now isn't helping either. Maybe WWE could rectify this if they turned Charlotte heel and have her show some teeth during her feud with Asuka. Without her heel microphone skills, it's just not going to work out very well.

In the end, WWE could probably get away with having Charlotte ambush Auska once on the go home show for Smackdown Live to try to generate some kind of excitement for this feud, but it's still not going to be as good as it would be if Charlotte was dropping pipe bomb after pipe bomb on Asuka.

While this will definitely be a spectacle to watch once these two women actually get into the ring at WrestleMania 34, it's going to be mostly remembered for Asuka's win and the horrible buildup that accompanied the feud. In fact, the build-up to this match might be horrible enough to ruin Asuka's run with the title altogether!

#1 Undertaker versus John Cena

The Undertaker, John Cena,
Can John Cena tempt The Undertaker into one more match?

While John Cena is doing a decent enough job in building up this matchup for WrestleMania 34, the absence of The Undertaker makes it a little too one-sided and boring. Cena's promo's on The Undertaker are getting better and better by the week, but WWE continues to choose to keep The Deadman silent on his decision to compete again.

You would think WWE could have tried some spooky parlor tricks or some kind of response to Cena's demands, but The Deadman remains silent. With that being said, the only thing that makes all of this worse is the speculation that WWE is going to wait until WrestleMania to have The Undertaker appear, which really robs the go-home show of any momentum at all.

In the end, maybe this is the best way to do things from an injury and anticipation buildup standpoint, but is definitely robbing fans who want to see this dream rivalry come to fruition. Unfortunately for them, WWE seems intent on just teasing them by holding it as a carrot over their head until WrestleMania 34 on April 8th.

As for the match, it is very unlikely that The Undertaker is capable of having the match that the WWE Universe is expecting of him, especially with his string of injuries and his age, which means that the usual spectacle that is an Undertaker match probably won't be as exciting this time.

In the end, it's a dream match that is going to do more to hurt both Superstars than actually cement their legacy. If Cena wins, he'll forever be known as the third guy to beat the steak and be subjugated to the same amount of crippling boos that Reigns and Lesnar received after beating Undertaker at WrestleMania.

Things will be much worse for Undertaker, however, who is probably heading into what might be one of the worst matches of his career. Of course, older fans are going to cut Taker some slack due to his age and his history in the WWE, but younger fans are going to be forced to see The Undertaker seem merely mortal for their first time in their lives.

That's not something they should have to see.

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