#1 EC3 & John Cena

John Cena is the only free agent who has been announced for the match till now. He will walk into the Royal Rumble as one of the favourites just like he always has.
EC3, on the other hand, is yet to make his main roster debut and could do so very soon.
When Cena returned to wrestling last year, he returned with a new hairstyle which made his balding more obvious. After fans noticed that, EC3 replied to one of Cena’s tweets that he wanted to shave Cena’s head.
This suggested that a rivalry between the two men could ignite in the future, and Royal Rumble seems like the perfect place to begin it with WrestleMania 35 in the horizon.
A rivalry with Cena could be the perfect start for EC3’s main roster career and can bring him to prominence almost immediately.
We could see the heel-ish EC3 eliminate John Cena in the match and then return to Raw to mock the veteran superstar to take the storyline further.