#1 Finn Balor is turned into a boring babyface

It is, and we cannot stress this enough, the biggest mistake involving Finn Balor on the main roster. There are not enough words to articulate the disaster it would be to turn Balor into a boring babyface once again. His underwhelming run on RAW in early 2019 quickly turned into a memorable run as “The Prince” on NXT, thanks to his heel turn.
The best part about Finn Balor’s current gimmick is that it will allow him to feud with both faces and heels. He doesn’t need an alliance, and it adds an element of surprise as the viewers keep guessing his next move.
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Finn Balor’s current character is perfect, and WWE should refrain from making any changes to it, at least for a few months. His promos are better now, and his subtle antics during the match do well in adding to his anti-hero persona.
Balor was often booked as a good guy who falls prey to the bad guy’s tricks. The tables have turned now that everyone is forced to play by Finn Balor’s book. There is no reason why he should revert to a rather dull run that nearly ruined his character on the main roster the last time.
WWE also tends to book him weakly in order to make his alter-ego “The Demon King” look strong. While the idea is good, the execution couldn’t be worse. It ends up making Finn Balor look extremely weak and highly reliant on a “better” persona.
On the other hand, the Demon King’s appearances should be limited to cases when Balor really has no other option left but to face impossible odds. This will help maintain the mysticism surrounding the popular Demon King persona.
Finn Balor could be a huge asset for WWE Smackdown, which has turned itself into the A-show in all of pro wrestling. It is essential that the creative team refrains from repeating huge mistakes with one of their best performers. Hopefully, we will see the Irish superstar enjoy the push that he deserves.