#4 Do not have Corbin defeat weeks worth of jobbers

It looks like King Corbin's first feud following his King of the Ring win will be against Chad Gable, who Corbin defeated in the finals of the tournament.
The feud idea is a very smart one, as it keeps Gable's momentum and relevancy moving forward after his very impressive and unexpected run in the tournament this year.
One idea WWE should avoid is to have Baron Corbin run through weeks and weeks of jobbers in order to establish him as WWE's new King of the Ring.
WWE tends to utilize squash matches with jobbers as a way of getting over big heels in the company, but we just watched Corbin face some of the best talent in WWE during the course of the King of the Ring tournament, so useless wins over jobbers will do nothing to enhance Corbin's position in WWE.
As much as Baron Corbin has been hated by WWE fans in the past year or so, his in-ring work has improved considerably in 2019, and WWE should continue to build on Corbin's skills in the ring to help solidify the big man as a legit in-ring competitor.