#5 A Less Than Stellar Way To Close The Show
If you are wondering why I used the same heading at the start of this article and at the end, well, that is due to one simple reason. WWE started off Raw in the same way they ended it, and that was in a lacklustre manner.
The main event of the night was a match between Kevin Owens and Seth Rollins that was set up at the beginning of the night, but this time there was a twist involved, as Sami Zayn played the 'outside referee'(whatever that means).
In typical fashion, Zayn got involved during the match, as his best friend KO was on the losing end of the bout, but Rollins was ready for Zayn's interference and proceeded to beat the living daylights out of the man, which led to Zayn ending the match as a DQ.
Rollins then continued his ambush on Zayn, and this led to Corbin coming out to the ring to get the upper hand on his Stomping Grounds opponent. Rollins eventually got the upper hand in this fight and sent the heels reeling.
Now, if this type of booking is what makes someone tune into Raw next week, then that is great for them, but for the rest of the WWE Universe who are basically displeased with Raw ending, in the same way, every week, these main events are not going to change.
WWE needs to bring back heat to the product, as everything feels too timid, and I hope that we can see a change next week. And even though most of us are tired of the way WWE books their product, we are all wrestling fans who want to be entertained.