#2 Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. AJ Styles

AJ Styles and Stone Cold crossed paths a few months ago during a contract signing and never stepped into a ring with one another before. With the man voted wrestler of the decade, it would be a fun match to see today. Austin looks to be in the best shape ever 16 years after he wrestled his last match. A heel AJ Styles offers fans a guy that believes he is the best (and can back it up) against a guy that called himself the toughest.
While the two facing one another is all but a pipe dream at this point, the match is a dream for a few reasons. Austin is a wrestler's wrestler that can grapple much like he did when he faced Kurt Angle. He can adjust his way to best fit what meets the need of his opponent and the storyline told. When two longstanding professionals square off, the result would be a story for the ages.
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