#3: Dean Ambrose Vs. Chris Jericho (Extreme Rules 2016)

Jon Moxley may be doing big things now as a part of AEW, but it'd be unfair to see the former Lunatic Fringe didn't have his share of brutal matches whilst part of WWE. At Extreme Rules 2016, Moxley, then Dean Ambrose met Chris Jericho in the first-ever 'Ambrose Asylum' match.
A cage match loaded with weapons, the bout was predictably brutal, with both Superstars trying to gain the upper hand. At one point, Ambrose would counter Jericho's Codebreaker, dropping the Canadian into thumbtacks, which Jericho would shriek to the WWE Universe for weeks about having to have 69 tacks removed from his body. With both men now in All Elite Wrestling, could we see a second Ambrose Asylum (perhaps the Moxley Madhouse) match in the future?
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