#2 What if Kofi Kingston wins The WWE title?

Seriously though? What if Kofi Kingston is somehow able to overcome the odds and defeat Daniel Bryan for The WWE title? Not only would this mark the company's first African American WWE championship in a long time, but it would also mean WWE now has to take the momentum created by Kofi Kingston and do something with it.
No more momentum, no more hype. Kofi Kingston would now be sitting on the top of The WWE mountain and the company needs to figure out what to do with him after once he finally gets there.
Sure, the company could just continue to paint him as the same underdog babyface who overcame the odds, but without layers, the story is going to get boring after awhile.
In the end, WWE has a chance to firmly establish a very deserving superstar at this year's WrestleMania, but the taller task will come after that when they decide what to do with them.
Keep in mind that having the crowd on your side is one thing, keeping them on your side with a very thinly layered story is another.