#1: Mick Foley, RAW is War, 1999:

The Monday Night Wars were deep in the heat of the battle when Mick Foley would shock the pro wrestling world to its core. Foley had gone through many personas including Cactus Jack, Dude Love, and Mankind. Always seen as a main eventer, but never as champion, Foley achieved legendary status after his brutal Hell In A Cell match with the Undertaker, a year earlier.
It was January 4, 1999, and The Rock was WWE Champion. Over on WCW they often thought it was funny to spoil the WWE's programming. That day was no different as announcer Tony Schiavone revealed that Mankind was going to win the World Title muttering “that’ll put butts in the seats”.
It proved to be a fatal mistake as over 600,000 viewers immediately changed the channel to RAW. Nitro would never win in the ratings again. On RAW, Mankind was battling The Rock in a No Disqualification match for the WWE Title. With the help of Stone Cold Steve Austin, who received arguably the loudest crowd reaction in WWE history that night, Foley would become the most unlikely WWE Champion in history. Unlikely, but most deserved.