#2 Ultimate Deletion: Woken Matt Hardy vs Bray Wyatt

When Woken Matt Hardy debuted in WWE, fans of his work in TNA were expecting a lot from his character.
But with the way WWE booked his rivalry with Bray Wyatt, it felt like they were dropping the ball with the Woken Matt character. Their rivalry was becoming boring and their matches were underwhelming, to say the least. That was until the ‘Ultimate Deletion’ took place a couple of weeks ago.
This match was filled with comedy, serious rivalry, a deep underlying meaning, and madness. People who remember his Broken gimmick will know that this was pure Matt Hardy.
Hardy was not the only one who showed his brilliance in this match, but also Bray Wyatt. Wyatt brought so much character, story and intensity to this match. It is a pity that WWE have underutilized his character over the years.
This match also introduced the Hardy compound along with Reby, Senor Benjamin, Vanguard 1, Skarsgard, the dilapidated boat, and Brother Nero, adding more depth and understanding to the Woken Matt gimmick.
Although Ultimate Deletion fell a bit short of its predecessor the ‘Final Deletion’, it generated similar fanfare.
This match cannot be compared with other wrestling matches in terms of in-ring work, but it achieved something most matches fail to produce these days - entertainment.
Love it or hate it, pro wrestling is all about fun, and this match was an extremely fun ride.