5 names that could help create the perfect new Wyatt Family

Bray Wyatt will need to recruit new soldiers soon

I can still remember that epic promo Bray Wyatt delivered to the NXT crowd on his final night before The Wyatt Family left for the main roster. During that promo, he had stated:

"There are three types of men in this world- those who dream and never make it off the couch, there are those who fail and then there are those who change the landscape of this world."

Since making their main roster debut, The Wyatt Family has managed to remain relevant, but some might argue that they've yet to get that true, monster, dominating push that they really deserve.

The potential for what can be done with such a magically creative group is immense and it's mind boggling what they can do, if given the right opportunity.

Nonetheless, The Wyatts have certainly left their mark and what they're doing now with Randy Orton in the fold, it's incredible to watch. However, it's obvious that Orton cannot remain behind Bray forever.

Let's just be honest for a moment, Orton is a main event star and he knows it. I mean, there's no shame in sharing tag titles with Bray Wyatt, but Randy is a 12-time world champion and eventually, his hunger for the singles spotlight is going to supersede his willingness to help The Wyatt Family remain dominant.

After all, plans are currently in place for Orton to take some time off soon, to spend time with his newborn daughter and family, so there's a good chance that we will soon see yet another shake-up with The Wyatt Family.

With this in mind, there's talk of reforming The Shield in 2017 as well. If that is the case, there will be a gigantic shadow covering The Wyatts and in order to make sure that they're not lost in the shuffle, there will need to be changes and changes in a major way.

In this scenario, The Shield and possibly The Club will both be back together and will be stronger than ever. That's a lot of butts for a table with not a lot of seats. Bray will need to hunt down some like-minded henchmen who are willing to stray as far into the crazy as Bray does and they will need to be relentless as well.

Also read: WWE News: Bray Wyatt wants a shot at the Intercontinental and WWE Championships

Let us also assume that Harper is off on a singles run as well, which is a highly possible scenario. If so, The Wyatt Family will be needing a complete overhaul and that brings me to the meat of this article.

Who is out there that Bray may adopt into his distinct band of righteous brothers? Is there now a need to bring a female into the Family? Should Bray seek out someone who has been deserted and forgotten, from the bowels of NXT? The questions are aplenty, but the mission remains the same... taking down the machine.

I have thought very carefully about who fits and who doesn't. As a die-hard fan of The Wyatt Family, I am as emotionally invested in this faction as anyone on the planet. I want to see Bray win a major singles championship, but just as much, I'd love to see those who go to war under his watch do well too.

So, without further ado, here are five possible wrestlers to join Bray and create the best and most dominating version of The Wyatt Family ever.

#5 Eric Young

No one matches Bray's demonic nature quite like Eric Young

This former TNA World Champion is already lighting NXT on fire with his faction known as Sanity.

Some may question this pick, simply because it puts Sanity on the outside, looking in. Well, Sanity isn't a stable that I believe will ever see daylight on the main roster. The top two, in Young and Nikki are both great, but there are a lot of holes in the faction after that.

Now that Damo has joined, it makes them a lot more dangerous, but Damo is destined for singles success beyond anything Sanity may have to offer.

Simply put, it makes better sense to give Sanity a few more good months and then have them disband. Eric Young can then join The Wyatt Family. Then, if a turn of events causes Young to leave The Wyatt Family, there would be another storyline waiting for him by reforming Sanity.

#4 The Big Show

Big Show could give Bray the muscle he needs to get over the hump

There's a reason why this pick makes sense and I'll explain that very reasoning. First of all, this is probably the most unattractive pick of the list, primarily because Show doesn't really have a massive following.

However, if Harper does leave, as we expect he might, that opens up a need for an intimidating presence within the ranks of The Wyatt Family and who on the roster could possibly carry themselves with as much muscle and brute power as Big Show?

It's no secret that the Big Show is in his final years as a professional wrestler. His giant body has taken a beating over the course of his 20-year career. With that in mind, a role as the man behind Bray would give him an opportunity to remain on the roster, while keeping his actual physical activity to a minimum.

Personally, I can't think of a better way for Big Show to conclude his great career.

#3 Sarah Bridges (formerly known as Crazy Mary)

If there ever was a reincarnation of Sister Abigail, Sarah is it

It appears Sarah Bridges has joined the NXT roster without much of a buzz, but don't you dare let that fool you.

Sarah is one of the most dangerous women in all of professional wrestling and she possesses the killer instinct needed to survive in such a stable. Not only that, Sarah wouldn't back down from any superstar on any WWE roster, male or female.

Sarah comes in at only 23 years of age, but despite being so young, she has made a name for herself and wreaked havoc at every step. She has left her mark in Shimmer, Resistance Pro, as well as Juggalo Championship Wrestling, just to name a few.

Sarah is currently dating Ray Rowe, who is one-half of the former Ring of Honor tag team champions War Machine. Considering she has such a monster of an athlete for a boyfriend, I'm sure he's helped her hone her skills in the ring as well.

Sarah is as close to a Sister Abigail persona as you'll find. She has a positive, upbeat side, as well as the capability of turning it off and going completely psycho, which would fit perfectly in The Wyatt Family.

#2 Elias Samson

Elias has a mysterious presence that fits perfectly with The Wyatt Family

Once again, we have someone who is probably not going to be everyone's ideal pick. But, when it comes to The Wyatts, when has anything other than an unorthodox approach made sense?

For those unfamiliar with Elias, he has a very unique, subtle, yet somewhat dark demeanour. When given the right opportunity, Samson has proven to be a quality in-ring performer. Elias would fit the mould of a Wyatt soldier if you really study his style and persona.

Also, NXT officials have come to a sort of quandary when it comes to Elias Samson. While he remains active, there's yet to be a long-term, solid storyline for him. Putting him behind Bray and company would give him a perfect opportunity to get better as an overall performer and it will solve a creative problem with him as well.

#1 Bo Dallas

We could see a new side of Bo Dallas

During a recent interview, Bray Wyatt managed to remain in character throughout the entire conversation. He spoke about how Husky Harris was a shell of a man that he never even knew and how Bray Wyatt is a mirror image of who he is in his everyday life.

However, once the topic of his real brother, Bo Dallas was brought up, Bray completely changed his entire tone.

He was asked if Dallas would ever join the Wyatt Family and Bray answered by stating that it's an idea that has been brought up before and if the opportunity ever truly presented itself, he would love to work with his brother again, just as he once did when they were tag team partners in FCW.

Bo Dallas is arguably one of the, if not THE greatest NXT Champion to date. During his time with NXT, Bo Dallas was the most consistent in-ring and out-of-the-ring performer on the entire roster. He was absolutely hilarious while being a deeply hated, but highly respected heel.

Since arriving on the main roster, Bo has yet to find his groove, even though it's painfully obvious that the pure talent is certainly there. A switch in scenery is sometimes good for creativity. Send Dallas to back his brother and I guarantee a side of Bo Dallas that no one ever imagined he had.

Besides, what's there to lose?

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