#1 Velveteen Dream
Sure Patrick Clark AKA Velveteen Dream has an eccentric character, one that fans might fear will turn into a comedy jobber at the hands of Vinny Mac. However, there's something so eccentric about the Dream that hits the right notes with the boss. He's got guts and he knows how to use it to grab your attention.
From parodying Hulk Hogan at a very sensitive juncture to calling out Vince McMahon himself to promote him, this guy knows how to rile it up. It's this flavorful explosion that Vince McMahon is fond off, it might not seem like it but Dream's got some ruthless aggression in him. McMahon despite the tensions, likes a player who can ruffle some feathers and Dream does it with just the right balance.
At the age of 23 and with a couple of years behind him on NXT, a bit more seasoning could just see Dream explode onto the main roster scene. The fact that he is a homegrown product works wonders for him as well. In fact on a personal note, one is willing to hedge a bet that Velveteen Dream is going to become the next huge megastar and face of WWE.