5. Chris Masters saves his mother from a burning house
Considered by many, including John Cena, to be one of the strongest men in the WWE locker-room, “The Masterpiece” had a Hellenic physique and an unbeatable full-nelson submission lock to justify the claim. Chris Masters’s stint with the WWE started with a glare so bright that after a certain period, it had consumed itself into smoke.
Leaving the company in 2007 on account of Wellness Policy violations and rehabilitation spells, he joined again in 2009, but for all his improved ring technique and hard work, failed to make a mark, exiting for good in 2011.
In March 2013, Masters rescued his mother from her burning house and out of the jaws of a demented neighbour who had actually started the fire. This person had locked himself in the apartment with Chris’s mother Diana still holed up inside. Amidst securing every point of entry to the house with wooden barricades, the man warned arriving police personnel to maintain their distance lest he set the place on fire. By the time Masters had been informed by his uncle, the house was already ablaze.
However, that did not stop the former WWE Superstar from coming to his mother’s aid. Seeking a sturdy object to ram open one of the sealed windows, Masters uprooted a ten-foot tall tree with his bare hands and charged headlong in a momentum of frenzy and terror.
He succeeded in breaking through and having located his mother, carried her out of the smoking apartment. The perpetrator was handed over to the police and subsequently charged with arson. Masters tweeted the entire episode with pictures both of the house and his bruised arms, to welcoming attention from the media and fans alike.