#3 Survivor Series 2015 vs Dean Ambrose
How neither man turned heel here is beyond me, as it was almost too predictable that one of the two men would turn on their friend for the sake of the WWE World Championship.
Despite the predictability, it was the only real option to make the main event a success (predictable outcomes aren’t always bad if the outcome is the right decision). But, WWE somehow made the weakest booking decision possible.
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Reigns defeated the significantly more popular Ambrose clean but was then cashed in on by Sheamus, losing the WWE World Title almost instantly. Fans were supposed to feel sympathetic for the ‘babyface’ Reigns, but they were rather cynical that Ambrose had just been beaten so easily by ‘The Guy’.
Rather than aligning Reigns with the Authority or having him brutally attack Ambrose after losing (or even turning Ambrose heel), WWE decided the best option in a babyface vs babyface main event was to have the least popular guy go over clean.
Sheamus’ cash in was the terrible icing on the already terrible cake, and unfortunately, WWE somehow turned one of the most potentially intriguing main events of 2015 into an absolute flop.
Considering this was arguably the perfect situation to turn Reigns heel, yet WWE refused, we may never see ‘The Guy’ embrace the boos that continue to be a thorn in his side. Overall, Ambrose vs Reigns will go down as one of the poorest main events in recent WWE history, and it is all thanks to WWE’s insistence on keeping Reigns babyface.