#1 Al Sharpton

Fall 2009 saw The Reverend Al Sharpton step up to guest host an episode of Monday Night Raw. A lot of the celebrity guest hosts for Raw weren’t so great, demonstrating a lack of familiarity with the WWE product, if not a disinterest in being there. Sharpton was an awkward fit. He ostensibly agreed to appear in order to promote the cause of educational reform to the WWE audience. However, Sharpton didn’t seem have much sense of how to connect to the audience. Meanwhile, WWE seemed uncertain of how to use Sharpton—a complete outsider to the wrestling world, but a man of greater political clout than they were accustomed to having appear on the show.
It was probably for the best that Sharpton’s role was kept to a minimum. He delivered a mostly non wrestling related promo early in the show, then was kept scarce for the remainder of the broadcast.