#2 Stone Cold's 'reverse bird flip'

The attitude era was a mark out period in WWE's history. Every single WWE fan worth his salt would vouch for how legendary the attitude era was. The programming, the content, the storylines, the gimmicks have all attained a cult status.
Amidst this exciting period, rose a tough Texan going by the name of Stone Cold Steve Austin, or as JR would call him, "the toughest SOB in WWE history'
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Austin was the face of the attitude era and he made things happen. It was the Texas rattlesnake against the world and by god did Austin give them a run for their money.
What was unique about Austin was his raw style. He sported a bald head, a skull based vest, he drank lots of beer and he stunned everything that moved. He didn't care about the authority and flipped the bird to anyone and everyone.
Once the WWE toned down on their content, Austin was no more allowed to use this gesture. So, he started using the reverse flip instead to avoid being penalized. The gesture has caught on with fans and we can see it being sported across arenas even to this date.