#2 Luchasaurus

At one point in time, Luchasaurus was quite arguably the most over superstar in All Elite Wrestling, however, after suffering an injury, the Jurassic Express member kind of fell down the pecking order in AEW.
Personally, I believe that AEW once again needs to put Luchasaurus against the big boys from their roster and with the signing of Lance Archer, fans could possibly get treated to a proper hoss fight between the two men. With Luchasaurus being one of AEW's most over babyfaces, it makes all the sense in the world for him to face Archer in his first feud, considering the fact that the latter will start out as a heel in the promotion.
A proper babyface vs heel feud between two of AEW's most athletic, big men would definitely attract a lot of eyes. And if Tony Khan and his team plan on expanding the hoss division of AEW, then this is the feud they need to kick-start things with.
With both Luchasaurus and Archer laying the foundation for a potential hoss division (something similar to NJPW's NEVER Division), we could possibly witness these men share the ring with the likes of Jake Hager, Jeff Cobb and Wardlow in the future, as well.