#4 New Orleans Screw-job?

A screw-job may not seem like an option for the main event, but Vince McMahon is a crazy man. If he decides to pull a Bret Hart on Brock Lesnar, it would be a great swerve moment for the fans.
(But hey, any publicity is good publicity)
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Mr McMahon was accused by Roman Reigns for favoring Brock and his actions, and the Chairman responded by suspending The Bog Dog. Maybe it's time for Vince to redeem for his punishment and favor Reigns by turning on Lesnar and Paul Heyman.
The "truth" bomb by Heyman about Lesnar's feelings towards the WWE locker room and Universe might have irked Mr McMahon, and thus he decides to teach the duo a lesson.
Reigns as a heel Universal Champion will be an excellent move by the WWE. The Authority and Vince in his corner will make Reigns the best badass villain in all of WWE.
Fans love to hate him, and a heel turn for Roman has been awaited for a long time. It's time to pull that trigger now.