They are two of the greatest superstars of all time. Triple H and The Undertaker will wage war for the very last time, in Melbourne, on October 6. And Shawn Michaels has confirmed his attendance at the event as well. So much could go down when these legendary figures do battle!
I will be watching all the action live, as I am sure all of you will. For now, I can only speculate and guess how this match will eventually go down. Leave your own comments in the section below.
Do you think The Undertaker and Shawn Michaels did a good job of hyping up this bout on RAW? Do you think Mick Foley, who appears next week, will get involved as well?
So much could happen when these two legends collide in Melbourne, next month.
Cody Rhodes' uncle is a WWE Hall of Famer. More details HERE.
#5 Triple H wins clean

The Undertaker has been one of the most strongly booked performers in the history of WWE, in my opinion. Therefore, seeing him take a clean pin is a rare sight indeed. Therefore, Triple H heads into this iconic match as the clear underdog.
Very few of the legends involved in the video package actually picked him as the potential winner because of the very same reason that I've outlined here. Therefore, it is easy to forget that Triple H is also one of the greatest of all time. A performer that has done it all and more in WWE, and still continues to do so at the highest level.
Maybe one pedigree will not do the trick, but a handful of them could keep The Undertaker down. Sure, this is the rarest possibility of the lot, but one that could certainly happen.
#4 Goldberg costs The Undertaker the match

WWE usually brings out a lot of big guns for their international shows. Goldberg has stated time and again, that he would not be averse to facing The Undertaker if he does return. What if Goldberg were to interfere when the referee has been knocked down, to knock out The Phenom? Imagine the headlines that such an action would bring about.
This could lead to a big ticket match between these two monsters at WrestleMania. Whether you like Goldberg or not, it is impossible to deny that he is a star and still has box office appeal. The Undertaker vs. Goldberg is a match that many fans have asked for, even in our comments section.
It would also give Triple H a win without making The Undertaker look weak before an international audience. Like I said in the previous page, The Undertaker is a supremely protected individual, even to this day.
#3 Shawn Michaels costs Triple H the match, helps out The Undertaker

We all know that Shawn Michaels and Triple H are best friends. And no, this is not a storyline...they are best friends in real life as well. Therefore, one expects Shawn Michaels to be in Triple H's corner during the course of this massive contest. But what if the actual plan is to have Michaels turn on Hunter?
Maybe Michaels can cost Triple H the match and set up his return match against Triple H for WrestleMania. Hey, a fan can hope!
#2 The Undertaker defeats Triple H absolutely clean

The Undertaker looks great these days, as compared to when he faced Roman Reigns. He seems to be in Phenom-enal shape (pardon the pun) and seems like a young man yet again. Maybe the plans with The Undertaker are quite long term.
Maybe The Undertaker delivers the Last Ride and a Tombstone to take Triple H out. Maybe a few chokeslams are what it takes. Both men are masters of psychology and I am sure they will tell a great story in the ring.
The Undertaker goes into this match as the clear favourite to win. And I am certain that there's a good chance that he winsl.
#1 Shawn Michaels takes out The Undertaker, helps Triple H win

It is clear that WWE is teasing a return to the ring from Shawn Michaels. Now, Michaels has gone on record to say that he would prefer to face off against a legend than someone from the current generation. Who better to face off with than The Undertaker? After all, these two men were probably part of the greatest match of all time.
Furthermore, Triple H and Shawn Michaels are the best of friends. This means that Shawn Michaels could be in Triple H's corner, to help him win. A Sweet Chin Music could very well do the trick.
I am really excited about this match, dearest reader. Are you just as excited?
How do you think this match will end in Melbourne?