Braun Strowman has had a great year.
Pushed as an insurmountable monster in the company Braun seems to be seen in a high regard by the powers that be and the sky really is the limit for the big man.
Last year, surprisingly, Braun was in the Andre The Giant Battle Royal.
This year you would think that the WWE will have bigger plans to showcase him, here we list five people he could face on the grand stage.
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#5 Samoa Joe

If Samoa Joe is fit for Wrestlemania he to will need to be showcased in the right manner.
Two men who have shown no fear when it comes to Brock Lesnar and have both pushed 'The Beast' to his limit could tell a great story. Joe is capable of carrying anyone to a good match and a hard htting brawl between these two could steal the show.
They have clashed before in multi man matches but never one and one so it is a dream match of sorts and well suited to a Wrestlemania card.
#4 Brock Lesnar

After the triple threat match at the Royal Rumble, Storwman was left screaming 'You Didn't beat me' at Lesnar after Lesnar pinned Kane.
This would lead you to believe there is still a story to be told here.
Not many superstars have been able to manhandle Lesnar the way that Braun has in recent months and some fans are desperate to see Strowman finally better Lesnar in a match for the title.
This would be ranked higher but it seems unlikely to happen as it seems likely Reigns and Lesnar will lock horns, it is however a possibility.
#3 Elias

We saw something rare on Monday Night Raw where Elias was able to bring out the fun side in Braun Strowman in their impromptu sing off.
Elias has been a real revelation on the main roster. Long an afterthought in NXT he has really thrived as a heel under the big lights. He is able to draw good heat which is really rate in this day and age.
Elias was able to get the better of Braun and John Cena in a triple threat match and is now entering the chamber match last. If he is somehow able to outsmart Strowman again or even eliminate him this could be a good setup for a match between the two at Mania.
If the WWE is serious about putting Braun over as a fun baby-face letting him halt Elias's walk will certainly endear him to the fan base.
#2 The Undertaker

If you remember rightly last year the Undertaker was talking about Wrestlemania and a clip of Braun watching him on a monitor from backstage was shown.
This was thought to be plating the seeds for a match between the two at Wrestlemania. The Question is, was this plan called off, or just delayed for a year?
It is widely rumoured that Taker will face Cena at Wrestlemania this year, this however, is not 100% as the same rumours were circulating this time last year. As we know both Cena and The Undertaker ended up taking different paths to the grand stage.
If The Undertaker did want to put over another rising monster then Braun would not be a bad choice at all.
#1 The Miz

The Rolling Stone 'Wrestler Of The Year' The Miz has only gone from strength to strength on the main roster.
If ever you are looking for a heel to put over a rising babyface The Miz is a safe and excellent option in any situation.
The Miz's cowardly in ring style could mesh well with Braun's strong, brawling style and a real cat and mouse story could entertain Raw fans before finally culminating in the match on the grand stage. With the Intercontinental Title also being on the line, stars of this calibre vowing for it would only add more prestige to the belt.
If the WWE wants to put Strowman over as a face and kick off his first title run in the WWE then Strowman Vs The Miz is without doubt the way to go.