5 Potential opponents for Jon Moxley at Wrestle Kingdom 14

Jon Moxley
Jon Moxley

Despite currently being signed with All Elite Wrestling, Jon Moxley has recently revealed that fans of 'The Death Rider' will indeed get to see a lot more of him in Japan after the former WWE Champion recently made his debut in New Japan Pro Wrestling.

Mox, who first competed in a New Japan ring at this year's Best of the Super Juniors finale, won the IWGP United States Heavyweight Championship in his first-ever match in NJPW. However, due to Mox being unable to travel to the Land of the Rising Sun, he was eventually stripped off the title, as NJPW crowned a new champion in the form of Lance Archer.

Well, that being said, it has indeed been quite some time since we've seen the former IWGP US Champion in a New Japan ring, however, reports have suggested that Mox will indeed compete at next year's Wrestle Kingdom 14 event along with his fellow AEW compatriot Chris Jericho, as well.

Moxley himself recently claimed in an interview that the former WWE Superstar will be competing in Japan, as long as he is wrestling and with all this being said, Mox currently is still without an opponent for next year's Wrestle Kingdom. Therefore, here are five potential opponents for Jon Moxley for Wrestle Kingdom 14.

#5 Jon Moxley vs KENTA

A dream match that never happened in WWE
A dream match that never happened in WWE

Much like Jon Moxley, KENTA also made his New Japan Pro Wrestling debut this year and since then, it is safe to say that the latter has achieved a lot within the first six months of his New Japan career.

Not only did the former WWE Cruiserweight star make his NJPW debut but also joined the Bullet Club at this year's G1 Finals and also won the NEVER Openweight Championship, as well. Having fired a warning towards Moxley a few months ago, KENTA could possibly get into the ring with 'The Death Rider' at New Japan's biggest annual show, however, it remains pretty unlikely as the Bullet Club star is engaged in a feud with Hirooki Goto. But, never say never in Pro Wrestling.

#4 Jon Moxley vs Juice Robinson

Mox vs Juice II could be on its way
Mox vs Juice II could be on its way

Jon Moxley was initially set to defend his IWGP US Championship against Juice Robinson at this year's stacked King of Pro Wrestling event, however, due to Typhoon Hagibis, the former had to vacate his title as he couldn't make it to Japan on time.

As noted, Mox was set for a brutal No Disqualification showdown against Juice Robinson at the event but due to that match being canceled in the first place, maybe New Japan management could eventually re-book the bout for Wrestle Kingdom 14. I mean, after all, having Moxley compete in a No DQ surrounding at your biggest show of the year is everything New Japan Pro Wrestling management could ask for.

And, as Mox and Robinson never really had the opportunity to properly close out on their rivalry, this bout could turn out to be the rubber match between the pair, as the two arch-rivals could finish-off their rivalry once and for all.

#3 Jon Moxley vs Lance Archer

Moxley never lost the IWGP US Title
Moxley never lost the IWGP US Title

As of this now, a match between Jon Moxley and Lance Archer remains as the biggest possibility for Wrestle Kingdom 14, given that Archer filled in for the absent Moxley at King of Pro Wrestling and much to everyone's shock, ended up winning the vacant IWGP US Championship.

With this, NJPW now has a perfect story for Mox, as they could bring back 'The Death Rider' and have him engage in a feud with Archer, given that the former never actually lost the title in the first place.

A match between Moxley and Archer would be an absolute brawl that I'm pretty sure fans would love to witness, especially in NJPW surroundings. Time and time again, Moxley has proved his worth in a No DQ/Deathmatch surrounding and we all know Archer, much like his fellow Suzuki Gun stablemates, loves a good ol' brawl.

A showdown between Mox and Archer could potentially be the show-stealer at Wrestle Kingdom 14.

#2 Jon Moxley vs Lance Archer vs Juice Robinson

Jon Moxley would love to get his hands on both Juice and Archer
Jon Moxley would love to get his hands on both Juice and Archer

Speaking of unsanctioned matches, a triple threat match between Jon Moxley, Lance Archer, and Juice Robinson for the IWGP US Heavyweight Championship is something that could be expected for Wrestle Kingdom 14.

After all, Moxley still has unfinished business with Robinson and if NJPW doesn't plan on booking a singles match between the two for Wrestle Kingdom 14, they could mix it up a bit by throwing in the monstrous Lance Archer in the mix and have him defend the IWGP US Title against the two men.

Given that Mox also technically owes himself a shot at the IWGP United States Title, he would pretty much love to get his hands on both Archer and Juice at the same time. Triple Threat matches usually turn out to be hectic and having three competitors of the same nature with a title on the line, would definitely turn up the stakes at New Japan's biggest show of the year.

#1 Jon Moxley vs Minoru Suzuki

Mox vs MiSu is a dream match in the making
Mox vs MiSu is a dream match in the making

Now, this one is a dream match for Pro Wrestling fans all around the globe. Two brawlers who do not care about anything other than punishing their opponents once they step into the squared circle.

Minoru Suzuki is currently without a potential opponent for Wrestle Kingdom 14 and on the back of a legendary feud with Jushin 'Thunder' Liger, Suzuki would surely need a perfect dance partner for NJPW's biggest annual show. Who better than the crazy, psychotic, and of the same nature than Jon Moxley?

Moxley and Suzuki are two men who love to inflict pain on their opponents and both men find themselves pretty comfortable in a Deathmatch surrounding, as well. Therefore, a No DQ bout between Mox and Suzuki could be everything fans are hoping to see at Wrestle Kingdom and given that Moxley himself has stated that he would like to face the leader of Suzuki Gun at some point down the line, this is the dream match NJPW needs to invest on.

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