#4 Killian Dain

The Bruiser from Belfast and SaNitY member continue to rise up the ranks of challengers for the NXT championship. Dain hasn't backed down or walked away from a fight, and we wouldn't expect him to do that.
A feud with the former TNA champion would lend itself to some truly challenging exchanges between the two. As those who are familiar with EC3 are aware, his ability to deliver a convincing and intense promo reached its peak during his time in TNA. Dain, on the other hand, is the much more brooding, strong, silent type.
A feud between the two of them could be billed as a number of things, whether it's the brash against The Bruiser or the silent violence against the confident conqueror. Fans would be treated to a phenomenal battle between these two.
And EC3 and Eric Young are no strangers to one another, so to have a Young protégé square off would add extra flavor to a contest between the two.