#4 Hosting Super Showdown

In a role that he would be familiar with, he could be the host of the event in Saudi Arabia as he has done once before. While this may be the least exciting choice of them all, it is certainly the most likely.
The fans over in Saudi love the stars of the past and there may not be a bigger star than the Hulkster. Hogan adds star power to any card he is promoted on. If you remember last year, it was him and The Undertaker who did the majority of video package promos for the events overseas.
Hogan could simply come out and do his classic bit while putting over the WWE to the excited crowd. This role could always lead to a big slam of a star that may interrupt him or just his classic pose down after he finishes speaking. Regardless, everyone in attendance would likely be happy with his music hitting and seeing Hogan pose once again in a ring.