#4 There are no more believable challengers

Once Lesnar dispatches Strowman, who else is left for him to feud with as a believable challenger to his title reign?
By this point, he'll have defeated Samoa Joe, Roman Reigns, Braun Strowman, Triple H, John Cena, The Undertaker, Randy Orton, Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins, Goldberg, Big Show and many, many more top tier guys.
Cody has no chance against John Cena? Details HERE
Are we really supposed to believe someone like Finn Balor is going to pose any kind of a threat whatsoever when he's half Lesnar's size at best?
The Demon King is popular, but he's smaller than some of the guys on 205 Live's weight limit and he's struggled with Bray Wyatt and Elias!
Speaking of Wyatt, he and Lesnar already had their exchanges in the past, where The Eater of Worlds was made to look like a complete chump—something he's used to, as he very rarely ever wins anything.
A track record of being a jobber to the stars makes Wyatt an easy pick to lose a match of any importance, so the idea of a feud with him and Lesnar is a moot point.
Big Cass is injured and has not been built up enough to challenge Lesnar anyway, the rest of Raw's roster is too low on the totem pole to be intimidating, and it's not worth moving someone over from SmackDown just to have them lose.
What valuable option after Strowman is there to do for Survivor Series and the Royal Rumble other than just doing another rematch with someone like Cena and going through the same motions we've done before?