#2 The bad booking
Well, WWE’s booking of Roman Reigns is far better than how it has booked many of its talent. But to make a babyface out of an unloved wrestler, you have to book him against some really heat-generating heels.
His run in with Wyatts, Big Show and League of Nations were great. But WWE lacked consistency in between these feuds, and booked him against Ambrose, Lesnar and Rollins who were fan-favourites and this made it difficult for Reigns to overcome the hatred.
WWE also deviated from Reigns’ bland character for a few weeks and reverted back again to the bland character. This inconsistency has also not allowed the fans to connect with Roman. WWE has to book him in a way that he grabs the audience’s attention.
Moreover, WWE has not made Roman work for a long time in the mid-card like other wrestlers. This has also hurt Roman Reigns in terms of building fans.