#3 Helps bolster the WWE RAW Tag Team division

WWE's booking of tag team wrestling has long been criticized by members of the WWE Universe. Tag Team wrestling requires a different presentation and philosophy to singles wrestling. Unfortunately, it would appear that WWE has little interest in presenting tag team wrestling this way.
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Tag teams in WWE often consist of singles wrestlers, who don't have any creative direction from writers, being paired together until they inevitably are broken up into singles wrestlers once again. The days of established, credible tag teams such as The Dudley Boyz, The Hardy Boyz, The Hart Foundation, The British Bulldogs and Demolition appear to be a thing of the past.
Of course, there are exceptions to this, such as the current RAW Tag Team Champions, The New Day. But if you take one look at the Tag Team Division on Monday Night RAW, it is obvious that it is in desperate need of more tag teams.
If AJ Styles and Omos win the RAW Tag Team Championships at WrestleMania 37 it could help breathe new life into the tag team scene on Monday Nights. AJ Styles and Omos as tag team champions would give teams such as The New Day and The Hurt Business fresh, new opponents to face off against and have great matches with.
AJ Styles and Omos as WWE RAW Tag Team Champions could not only breathe new life into Styles' and Omos' respective WWE careers, but it could also help breathe new life into Monday Night RAW's tag team division too.