5 reasons Bobby Lashley should remain WWE Champion after WrestleMania

Bobby Lashley defeated The Miz to capture the WWE Championship last week on Monday Night RAW
Bobby Lashley defeated The Miz to capture the WWE Championship last week on Monday Night RAW

#2 WWE Monday Night RAW ratings require something new

Monday Night RAW saw record low television ratings in 2020
Monday Night RAW saw record low television ratings in 2020

WWE Monday Night RAW proves to be increasingly divisive every single week. There are often many things to pick apart when it comes to the red brand.

50/50 booking, the endless rematches, and lazy, illogical booking are just a few common criticisms. Unfortunately for WWE, it would appear that the viewing audience is also becoming more and more disillusioned with the company's flagship show.

In 2020, RAW continued its pattern of posting historically low television ratings, with fewer people tuning in to watch the show than ever before. Granted, there are extenuating circumstances, as the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic certainly hurt television numbers across most genres.

Plus, the way people consume content in 2021 is drastically different now. Nowadays, there are far more ways to watch television. For example, DVR, online streams, YouTube and social media are all new methods of viewership, so the dwindling ratings aren't a perfect reflection of RAW's audience.

Nevertheless, television ratings are still important to networks and advertisers. Naturally, the ratings are still very important to WWE, and RAW's ratings continue to sink year after year.

Drew McIntyre has been the WWE Champion for the majority of the past 12 months. While it's unfair to attribute the low ratings on RAW to the Scottish Warrior, it's obvious that WWE needs to do something different to attract the audience's attention. Bobby Lashley could be the answer that WWE is looking for.

Prior to his win over The Miz last week, Lashley had never held the WWE Championship before. Featuring fresh talent in the main event is exactly what WWE needs right now because the company must build new stars as soon as possible.

Without a doubt, Lashley gives RAW a different player at the top of the card. By having him retain the WWE Champion at WrestleMania, WWE could continue to draw new fans to RAW, which would boost the ratings in the coming months.

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Edited by Colin Tessier
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