Why fit in when you are meant to stand out? These words can best describe the characters that are Bray Wyatt and Woken Matt Hardy. Their unique and interesting personas aren't meant to fit within the box, but rather stand head and shoulders above anyone else. This is what has made these characters as special as they are. Since Woken Matt has emerged, fans have witnessed a character that captured the attention of fans in Impact Wrestling.
Today, as he and Bray Wyatt cross paths, the future of their rivalry lends itself to some incredible possibilities. What does lie ahead for all involved? How will Wyatt be used against Hardy, and will fans care? The early indications suggest that there are some really neat ideas that have yet to be explored as 2018 begins. Here are five reasons why Bray Wyatt versus Woken Matt Hardy could be the feud of the year for 2018.
#5. Promos

These two characters are so rich in-depth. For those unfamiliar with the ‘Broken' Matt Hardy character, his character was complex and had so many layers to it. What has been so intriguing to see about the ‘Woken' Matt Hardy character is the dialogue that is so central to the character.
He will often enunciate words in a manner that inflicts on syllables that have never been a focal point. Whether it's his use of the word DELETE or how he suggests that others will become OBSOLETE, it all suggests that he was determined to stand out in a way that others wouldn't.
In comparison, Bray Wyatt would present his character in a way that would draw fans in and make them want to follow the buzzards. Their ability to bounce off of one another has been something that was toyed with even when Hardy was with Impact Wrestling. They will create some rather interesting scenarios with one another that will certainly keep fans wanting to tune in.
#4. Addition of outside elements

Since Bray Wyatt has been a part of WWE, fans have seen the character develop and evolve to incorporate different elements that have made him stand out. Initially it included a family of rather peculiar, bizarre personas in Luke Harper and Erick Rowan, there has been a rocking chair that was symbolic of his creepy nature, and on one occasion there was a choir of sheep masked, robe-wearing children, Wyatt has managed to tiptoe along the line of being sacrilegious in the things he has said and done.
Woken Matt Hardy has yet to debut different nuances of his character that reflect just exactly what he is capable of doing and show what made him a unique character in Impact Wrestling. Whether it's the involvement of his wife Queen Rebecca, son King Maxel or Senor Benjamin, Woken Matt Hardy has an array of different elements that could be brought over from the Impact version fans of WWE have yet to see. We can only imagine what Wyatt and Hardy could involve in this feud to make it successful.
#3. Stipulations in Matches

For those unfamiliar with the Broken Matt Hardy gimmick, you should be aware that one of the most successful parts of Impact Wrestling in 2016 and 2017 was the emergence of the Broken Matt Hardy character, and his personally financed and produced "Deletions". Events such as his Broken Brilliance, Delete or Decay and The Final Deletion presented some unique qualities that in WWE have not been used.
With Bray Wyatt, fans have seen the house of horrors match with Randy Orton, they have seen him take part in Hell in a Cell match and various cage matches that showed his willingness to cross the line and do as much harm to himself as to his opponents. Could we see something along the lines of a battle at the two different compounds, one belonging to each man? It certainly could engage fan interest throughout, though gimmick matches can be hit or miss. However, these two could have some rather unique stipulations or elements in their matches, ones that could be rather different from what fans of WWE have ever seen before.
#2. Quality of matches

With characters as unique as Wyatt and Hardy, there is the risk that their program could be too much about the gimmicks and not enough about the quality of wrestling. However, with a third-generation talent in Wyatt and a more than two-decade year pro in Hardy, fans can be assured that both men are capable of giving fans a fairly compelling match that tells a story in the ring.
Both men will bump and sell the other's offence, as they take fans along the journey with the competitors in the ring. Wyatt's mobility will often fall under the radar, as he is incredibly talented, and his character's self-sacrifice will be something for fans to watch. While Hardy isn't as young as he used to be that doesn't mean he won't still work hard to show fans that he is just as capable of being part of a singles feud as he is part of a tag team feud with his brother Jeff.
#1. Storyline progression

Wrestling storylines are often met with roadblocks, either creatively or with the talent themselves. What is remarkable is that these two men have so much character depth that the storyline between them can really allow for the ebbs and flows for each character, and show fans just what they are capable of. As the feud has begun, fans saw these two doing things as simple as walking in front of one another and staring, or just throwing punches at one another, even as the tension reaches a fevered pitch.
It also leaves it open for fans to see the deepest and darkest qualities of these men being used in the ring. Whether that is the inclusion of Hardy's family, or tapping into Wyatt's own ‘family,' they could certainly push the envelope of what can and will happen in this rivalry in the future. One can be very much intrigued by what lies ahead for these two, as their story continues on through 2018.