WWE's decision to crown Brock Lesnar is not only a bad decision, but it could also end up being a disastrous one.
WWE has created a number of self-inflicted problems from crowning Brock Lesnar as Mr. Money In The Bank and some could come back to haunt them. Not only does this bring back the problem of a part-timer no one wanted to see back on the top of the RAW card, it also has the added negative of giving us the first ever part-time Money In The Bank winner.
What happened to all the suspense of having someone backstage holding the Money In The Bank briefcase when the holder of the briefcase doesn't even bother to show up on most weeks. Will Paul Heyman come down to the ring every night on RAW (or SmackDown) holding the Money In The Bank briefcase over his head and threatening to cash-in?
A lot of fans agree that this decision was a colossal mistake that WWE could regret. Here are 5 reasons why this decision could really hurt WWE in the future.
#5 The pay-off or lack of one
What will the payoff from Brock Lesnar being the Money In The Bank winner be? The only one I can see that the fans will actually enjoy will be if Brock Lesnar fails to cash-in. With all the talk of WWE writers wanting to make sure this year's MITB winners are heavily focused on, it begs the question regarding whether Vince McMahon overrode his writers at the last minute to have Lesnar win the Money In The Bank briefcase.
The only other pay-off from this that could be interesting is if Goldberg's return continues after WWE Super Showdown and he wins either the Universal or WWE Championship. This could lead to another Brock vs Goldberg match.
#4 Part-time Money In The Bank holder
As I mentioned briefly during the intro, what's the point of having a Money In The Bank briefcase holder who is a part-timer? All the suspense from the MITB holder being backstage and being able to cash in at any moment is out of the window. We all know that Brock Lesnar's WWE appearances are rare so the only way the MITB briefcase can be at the forefront is through Paul Heyman.
However, Heyman cannot cash in the briefcase so the aforementioned suspense will not be there even if the MITB briefcase is.
Also, how many promos on Brock Lesnar being the Money In The Bank contract holder can Paul Heyman cut before the fans get tired of it. This comes after a certain section of fans, including myself, are already bored of Heyman being used as just Lesnar's mouthpiece.
#3 The 7 men who put their bodies on the line got screwed over
The 2019 men's Money In The Bank ladder match was arguably the best Money In The Bank ladder match of all time, only to be tarnished by what happened at the end with Brock Lesnar winning.
The biggest losers from what happened are the 7 Superstars who actually competed in the match and put their bodies on the line for the WWE Universe. Those men in the ring cannot be happy with how things went down and if you took a look at Randy Orton's face, you can tell that he was legitimately ticked off.
Finn Balor and Ricochet took more punishment than anyone else in the match and they will obviously not be happy with how things ended. Nor will Ali, who was reportedly told until the last moment that he was to win the match. To add insult to injury, Ali was also busted open by Lesnar.
#2 Money In The Bank is supposed to be for building new stars
The main purpose of the Money In The Bank ladder match is to create new stars, although WWE has done a shoddy job of it in the last couple of years. That unfortunately continued at Money In The Bank last night with Brock Lesnar winning the Money In The Bank briefcase, despite not being in the actual match for most of it and also being a part-timer.
This was pointed out on Twitter by none other than WWE legend and All Elite Wrestling star Chris Jericho who mocked WWE's decision:
"Awesome to see @BrockLesnar win the #MoneyInTheBank match...even though he wasn’t officially entered! Brock is the future of the biz and this perfect example of genius booking shows why @WWE will remain on top FOREVER! #GoBrockGo"
Jericho's Tweet echoes the thoughts of a large section of WWE fans.
#1 Angering the fans
The biggest problem that Brock Lesnar's win could do is to piss off the fans. With All Elite Wrestling's first PPV coming later this month, what made WWE and Vince McMahon think that this was a good idea?
ALSO READ: WWE Superstar busted open by Brock Lesnar during Money In The Bank 2019
We know that WWE is self-aware of the fact that fans weren't happy with Lesnar being a part-time champion, something Seth Rollins used in his pre-WrestleMania promos. After that, how can Brock Lesnar winning Money In The Bank be a good idea?
The only way it makes any sort of sense is the surprise factor. We were genuinely shocked when Brock came out and won Money In The Bank. However, this was definitely a short-sighted decision and will not lead to a ratings spike if that is indeed what Vince McMahon expects to happen after this.