#3 Saving Roman Reigns vs. Big E and Roman Reigns vs. Daniel Bryan for down the line
While many are of the opinion that Big E should have entered the WWE Universal Championship picture against Roman Reigns instead of the WWE Intercontinental Championship picture against Sami Zayn, it may have been the right decision to keep the two powerhouses away for the time being on SmackDown.
Big E is likely to come up short against Roman Reigns at this juncture, but if he wins the Royal Rumble, for example, Roman Reigns vs. Big E can take place at a massive stage like WrestleMania 37.
Roman Reigns can run through one babyface after another until then, from Aleister Black to Kevin Owens to Rey Mysterio to Murphy and even someone like Daniel Bryan, all the way until Big E stops him dead in his tracks.
Of course, this is pure speculation, but so is most of this article.
Big E vs. Roman Reigns feels like a big match, and doing it at TLC would have been a mistake.