A little while ago, I did an article detailing just why Roman Reigns is one of the most beloved sports entertainers in WWE today. There I detailed the rise of the Roman Empire and discussed what makes The Big Dog so popular among the casual fans as well as younger WWE audiences.
In that same article, I also touched upon the other side of this coin: why Roman Reigns is one of the WWE superstars disliked by quite a few hardcore professional wrestling fans.
It is no surprise to see him emerge onto the stage to a cacophony of boos, but what exactly is it about Mr Reigns that annoys the more serious members of the professional wrestling fanbase?
Why is that he isn't universally loved? Why is more than half the WWE Universe so dead set against accepting him as the new face of the company? Well, that's what we're here to discuss.
John Cena's father just broke his silence on his heel turn! More details RIGHT HERE
So, without any further ado, here is our list of 5 reasons why Roman Reigns is one of the least favorite WWE superstars today:
#5- His annoying move set

Hands up if you want to gouge your ears out everytime you hear Michael Cole scream out "SUPERMAN PUNCH!!!!" in the single most annoying tone any professional wrestling commentator has ever used in the history of the business. Honestly, a large portion of Roman Reigns' move set is just plain annoying.
He has the aforementioned Superman Punch. And, while his Spear is actually pretty good, the preceding 'Oooaaa' theatrics have doomed that move to an eternity of hate. Other than that, he has very little to write home about.
If you want to make yourself more popular, Roman, you need to work on making your move set have more impact. At the end of the day, the Superman Punch is only going to do more harm than good.
#4- Always in the main event picture

What does it say about a WWE superstar that he's almost always in the main event picture despite constant fan backlash? Well, for one it says that the growing resentment is only going to continue until he is finally pushed lower down the card.
That's exactly what has been happening with Roman Reigns these past few years. He has almost always been in the main event scene in the company, since his rise as the golden boy of WWE management.
Numerous WWE World Heavyweight Championship storylines, the WWE Universal Championship storyline these past few months, but most damning of all, headlining three straight Wrestlemanias despite not being in the title picture for WWE Wrestlemania 33.
It's absurd that he has been given this much time at the top and the fans aren't shy in letting the WWE know that enough is very much enough.
#3- He almost always wins

Remember when John Cena was going through his Super Cena phase and everyone despised him because he would overcome insurmountable odds to pick up the victory time and time again? Well, that's what's been happening for Roman Reigns since the dissolution of The Shield.
There's a reason why it comes as such a shock when Reigns takes a clean loss. Big deals have been made of his losses against Finn Balor and Braun Strowman. But, they are way too few and far between.
He almost always wins. A prime example would be WWE Fastlane 2017 when he defeated Braun Strowman clean for absolutely no reason at all, ending the Monster Amongst Men's streak of not having been pinned or submitted.
These constant wins have turned the WWE Universe against The Big Dog.
#2- His poor mic skills
While Roman Reigns is not necessarily a very talented in-ring performer, he is equally terrible when it comes to cutting promos. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying all his promos are bad. There are some really really good ones like the one he cut on the Monday Night Raw after WWE Wrestlemania 33.
But, those good promos have been when he's shooting from the hip and being allowed the freedom to take some risks. Most of the time, though, this just isn't the case.
He's usually cutting some bland promo from a pre-determined script which just doesn't help his cause. Just look at the infamous "Sufferin Succotash" promo above.
Being shoehorned into the role of hero despite his divisive status in the company means that he will never connect with the fans and become the face of the company that Vince McMahon so desperately wants him to be. And, this brings us very nicely to our final point...
#1- WWE Creative won't turn him heel

I think this is the biggest issue with Roman Reigns' character right now. He needs to be a heel. It's as simple as that. This isn't a case like the demand for a John Cena heel turn, a few years ago. No, this one actually makes sense for everyone involved.
Turn Reigns heel, and let the entire WWE Universe hate him as they so desperately do on a weekly basis. Let him become the most despised man in the company. Because that is what will set up the greatest face turn in the history of the WWE.
The eventual turn to good guy will be what is needed to give Vince McMahon what he wants and have the audience accept Roman as the next face of the company.