#1 They are too popular!
Quite simply put, they are more over than any other tag team on the roster. They’re selling a heck of a lot of merchandise, the have an entrance that could rival the classic New Age Outlaws intro, and they are as entertaining as a talent can be in the tag team division.
They have a unique look, a unique style and it’s what makes them great. The same could be said for Too Cool, New Age Outlaws, The Acolytes, etc. These teams all had a gimmick that was not only fun but believable, and they were characters you could invest in. I still to this day know the whole New Age Outlaws speech, and I feel like this generation would do the same with Enzo and Big Cass.
The whole place pops when that all too familiar Italian-American sound blasts through the speakers. I don’t think I’ll ever forget the night they debuted. I thought the crowd might quieten down in the weeks following their main roster appearance, but they maintained that sound. We just love to see Enzo and Cass, and that alone should be reason enough not to split them up.
WWE have a habit of splitting up teams too early, and this would be no exception. It would be a bad idea, a terrible idea and would severely impact the product.
If you think that Enzo and Big Cass should split up, there’s only ONE WORD, to describe you! And I’m gonna spell. It. Out for ya! S-A-W-F-T Saaaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwft!!!
But seriously WWE, keep them together.
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