#1 Never satisfied
Above everything else, Vince McMahon is a person that absolutely can't be satisfied. He is someone that could be completely content with a well formulated plan one minute and then completely flip it on its head the next. Interesting enough, this is what has contributed to a lot of McMahon's success and that continues to be the case to this day.
Of course Vince McMahon doesn't always get it right and sometimes has to start from scratch again, but he always comes up with something. For example, remember the resentment that fans had after Daniel Bryan was eliminated early from The Royal Rumble and Batista went on to win the whole thing?
While fans were angry at first about McMahon slighting one of his best Superstars, he took that anger and turned it on its head. He ultimately realized that his master plan wasn't going to work the way he originally intended it to and decided to find a way to bring Bryan into the title picture.
In the end, the result was nothing short of thrilling and will probably go down as one of the best main events of all time. With that being said however, none of that would have happened, if McMahon didn't deviate from his original idea and put Bryan into the title picture at the right time.